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December 17, 2019 4 min read

It’s that special time of year again!

We are wrapping up 2019 and looking forward to the bright new year ahead. 2020 marks not only a new year, but a new decade with endless amounts of potential.

The New Year always brings a hopeful and motivating start for our goals and dreams. We love the idea of creating attainable, actionable New Year’s resolutions to keep us on track and encouraged.


What are you hoping to accomplish in 2020?
 What kinds of habits will you be working towards adopting?
 How do you want to feel this year?



  1. Think Positively
    As humans, we are inclined to see the world with a “negativity bias.” This means that we tend to focus on and put more weight on the negative things in our lives.  


    This may be natural, but you can train your brain to be more positive. This can be difficult at first, but it gets easier with practice. When you notice yourself having a negative thought, recognize the thought, then replace it with a positive alternative.

    Action step: Stay positive daily by practicing gratitude. Write down three things every morning that you are grateful for, and three things each night that made your day wonderful.


  2. Get on Top of Pain
    Pain effects nearly everyone at some point. For those of us who suffer from chronic pain, make 2020 the year you finally get on top of your pain and take back control. Practice strengthening exercises, adopt an anti-inflammatory diet, use Quicare® natural topicals daily, and open up to new self-care practices. Don’t let pain rule your life – this year you will regain your power and take back your life!


    Action step: Order your favorite Quicare® product to suit your pain and lifestyle. Apply when needed or as part of a nighttime routine to prevent pain all night.

  3. Learn Something New
    Our brains love a workout, just like our bodies. After settling into normal routines and excelling at our jobs, however, our brains get fewer opportunities to buff up and grow. This year, take on a new skill – or two! This can be as simple as identifying an interest and reading a few books on the topic, or as involved as signing up for a class or even going back to school. Take some time to consider what you’d like to learn.


    Is there anything you’ve always wanted to try? A new language? Gardening? Coding? Skiing? There are endless options, but no matter what you choose your brain will love you for it.

    Action step: Visit the local library and check out three books on topics that interest you. Alternatively, sign up for a new exercise class, download a language learning app, or watch 5 YouTube videos on a skill you’d like to learn.


  4. Volunteer and Connect
    For those who are managing pain conditions, stress, depression, or anxiety, human connection can often offer an amazing way to relieve symptoms and encourage healing. One of the best ways to foster new connection is by volunteering. Volunteering helps you to relieve pain by focusing on others, eliminating suffering for others, improve the world, and create something important. It allows you to make new friends, connections, and might even lead you to new opportunities. You’ll be helping your own body by helping others – what could be better than that?!


    Action step: Visit to find a local organization in your area that serves a population or a need that you care about. Reach out or fill out the volunteer application.


  5. Live More Naturally
    No matter your current situation, there is always room for a little improvement in how you live your life and the products you consume. Take the new year as a new start and detox to your home, skin care, refrigerator, and even your personal relationships. Reduce toxic products, plastics, and one-use waste. Try recycling and repurposing. Switch conventional soaps and products to natural choices. At Quicare®, we are proud to offer natural, holistic, and effective pain-relief and body care products to support you wherever you are in your journey.

    Action step: Pick one thing you’d like to swap to lead a more natural life. Examples: a chemical facial cleanser, synthetic pillowcases, plastic shopping bags, or favorite junk treat. Replace it with a more natural choice. Once you feel confident in the switch, pick another item!

Happy New Year, Friends!
There’s so much to be thankful for in the past year, and so much to look forward to coming up. We’ve shared some of our favorite New Year’s resolution ideas – now share some of your inspirational goals for 2020!

Thank you so much for visiting us at and for taking your healing into your own hands. We are so grateful for all of you and wish you the very best in the coming year. We hope that 2020 will be your most transformative, happy, pain-free year yet!


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